April 15th is almost here.
Did you know that you can use your tax refund to help support the mission and important work of Ability Connection Colorado? This easy to use program allows donors like you to fund Ability Connection Colorado by donating a portion or all of your state income tax refund.
It’s fast and easy!
On your Colorado state tax return form, on the Donate to a Colorado Nonprofit Fund line, fill in: Ability Connection Colorado
Enter our registration number: 20033002056
Enter your donation amount: Choose any portion or all of your tax refund
For complete information, visit: https://tax.colorado.gov/donate-your-tax-refund-to-charity
As always, thank you for your support and for making a difference in the lives of Colorado individuals, children and families in need.
Our Vision
To live in a community that includes, accepts, and celebrates the abilities and contributions of all individuals.
Our Mission
Providing critical early childhood education, innovative pathways to employment, and parent-driven family support services for people with special needs and other life challenges.
Special Event Sponsorship Opportunities
Discover the benefits of partnering with Ability Connection Colorado. Enhance your reputation by partnering with a high quality organization that has been around since 1946! Connect and network with other exceptional corporations. Ability Connection Colorado also has a plethora of volunteer opportunities for employee engagement and team building. Plus, our sought after events are a great way to host and entertain your clients and colleagues. Learn more, contact Terri Armstrong, Development Director tarmstrong@abilityconnectioncolorado.org, (303) 941-4553.
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Please Support Our Community Partners!
Three Great Ways You Can Help ACCO Today
Giving to the Infantile Scoliosis Outreach Program at Ability Connection Colorado helps champion the lives of babies afflicted with Progressive Infantile Scoliosis. By incorporating the use of the Mehta Casting Method, families across the country are experiencing real hope and a brighter future for their children with scoliosis. Donate Today
Leverage your Gift with the Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit.
Learn more
Did you know that Ability Connection Colorado has 5 programs (3 areas of focus – Education, Employment, Support) that serve individuals and families with special needs and other life-challenges from pre-birth to end of life? Wherever your interest lies, there’s sure to be a program right for you. Donate Today