Parent to Parent of Colorado
Connecting families of individuals with disabilities or special healthcare needs to emotional and informational supports.

Our Services
- One-to-one trained support parent matching
- Private on line discussion group comprised of more than 2,000 caregivers
- Additional online forum dedicated to caregivers of individuals with mental health and/or behavioral challenges
- Virtual support groups, book clubs & disability and parenting-related presentations
- Public policy advocacy opportunities

Become Involved Today!

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Become a 1-on-1 Support Parent Match with another P2P family
“Being new to Colorado, I stumbled upon this group by a forum I found on Google and wasn’t even sure if it was still active but thought I would give it a shot. And boy am I so grateful it was!…I literally sat down and cried when I got the email that I was accepted into the group and then when you called. I had to collect myself to call you back… in a matter of a week I have support in Colorado…Thank you for putting in the work and helping parents find support. For someone who has never had it, it means everything. For once, I feel like I can breathe. And that has been such a long time in coming.”