Our Resource Storeroom has been built based on recommendations from our families and contains information on a wide range of topics related to disabilities and special health care needs. Look for The Resource Storeroom drop down on our tool bar to the right and choose your area of interest. Within each of the Main Topic Areas, you will find additional pages full of helpful information and resources.
Families will find hundreds of informational
resources in The Resource Storeroom
Our Main Topic Areas are: (click below to enter The Resource Storeroom Topics)
Disability Resources
Education Resources
Health Care Resources
Legal, Financial and Advocacy Resources
Medicaid & Social Security Resources
The Resources on each page also are indicated by:
Colorado Resources
National Resources
Help us keep The Resource Storeroom current! If you would like to suggest additions to any of the topics in The Resource Storeroom or if you find any broken links or out dated resources, please send an email to: infop2p@abilityconnectioncolorado.org
Some important things to note:
A purple box contains a quote, advice or recommendations from the parents participating on our Online Parent Support Group (List Serve). We refer to this as “Parent Wisdom” as it comes from the direct experiences of our parents and family members supporting each other. We trust that you will find a nugget or two of wisdom that addresses your situation and gives you another resource, a piece of information, or hope to hang onto.
A green box contains a messaging quote from Indivisible. This group is a coalition of self-advocates with disabilities and their allies who have spent time developing common messaging that is important to the disability community. As an ally of Indivisible, Parent to Parent of Colorado supports these messages and “embraces one strong voice of the disability community.” We hope these messages will provide you with messages to share when you are interacting with your community!
Your knowledge of your son or daughter’s needs is critical to determining appropriate programs or services. At Parent to Parent we trust that you will take the time to evaluate the information provided, ask more questions if needed, and ultimately decide what is appropriate for your family situation. An opinion by posters or references in The Resource Storeroom to any specific product, service, therapy or company does not constitute a recommendation by Parent to Parent of Colorado. Information/advice in this document should not be substituted for professional consultation.