General Disability Resources
Ability Connection Colorado – Ability Connection Colorado serves people with disabilities and their families and welcomes people of all abilities. Provides innovative & inclusive programs in Education, Employment and Support.
The ARC of Colorado -builds better lives for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and
their families by improving connections to schools, work and the community. Also search for ARC
Chapter in your county.
Colorado Cross Disability Coalition (CCDC) – Ensuring full participation of all people with all types of
disabilities by any means necessary. *P2P Supporter
Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council – Advocates on behalf of people with developmental
disabilities in the arena of public policy.
CDE Office of Special Education – state office for leadership in special education.
Division for Developmental Disabilities (DDD) – State office that provides leadership for the direction,
funding and operation of community based services to persons with developmental disabilities within
Early Intervention Colorado – Early intervention is designed to “connect” a family with early intervention
services, such as occupational, speech or physical therapy, to help infants and toddlers under the age of
three grow and develop, and to help their family in this process.
Easter Seals – Easter Seals provides services to children and adults with disabilities and other special
needs, and support to their families.
Family Voices – Provides help with health insurance plans, communicating with service providers,
navigating Medicaid or other public systems, individual health insurance counseling (such as in benefits
decision or help with the appeals process).
HERO Alliance – Promotes homeownership education and resources for people with disabilities in
JFK Partners – Promotes independence, inclusion, contribution of people with developmental disabilities
and special health care needs through consumer, community, and university partnerships.
PEAK Parent Center – Colorado’s Parent Training and Information Center offering education and
training on IDEA.
Air Travel Access Act – Information on Air Travel
TSA – The TSA created a new disability/medical condition ID card that travelers can take to show security
Beach Center on Families and Disability – Information on disabilities and related conditions – includes
research, products, support resources, and links.
Citizens for Patient Safety – trains and educates consumers and healthcare professionals about the
dynamic processes of Shared Decision-Making and Informed Consent and offer tools to navigate a safe
healthcare journey.
Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities – Coalition of national disability organizations working
together to advocate for national public policy for children and adults with disabilities. – Federal website of disability-related government resources. One-stop online access
to resources, services, and information available throughout the Federal government.
Disability is Natural and People First Language by Kathie Snow
Inclusion Research Institute – Non-profit organization dedicated to the full inclusion of persons with
disabilities or other disadvantages.
Kids Together – Helpful information and resources to enhance the quality of life for children and adults
with disabilities and communities as a whole.
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities at the Centers for Diseases Control
& Prevention (CDC)
National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) -provides advocacy, education and other services to
improve the lives of all people affected by rare diseases.
Genetic Alliance – Together we are committed to transforming health through genetics and promoting an environment of openness centered on the health of individuals, families, and communities.
National Rehabilitation Information Center for Independence (NARIC) – A library and information
center focusing on disability and rehabilitation research including 5 searchable databases.
Parent to Parent USA – Provides information about parent to parent support organizations throughout
the country.
STOMP – Providing support and advice to military parents caring for a family member with special
medical or educational needs.
World Institute on Disability – Nonprofit research, training and public policy center promoting the civil
rights and the full societal inclusion of people with disabilities.
Wrightslaw – Yellow Pages for Parents of Kids with Disabilities